Labels:chat room | grandstand | hakham | monitor | sky | window OCR: ALI BOND CATEGORIES GAIN IN OCTOBER DESPITE FLAT INTEREST RATES Bond prices stoppexl climhing in Octoher signs of strengthening Awoua held interest ralee mare less steady. Fyen inoome pay- ment: pushed all our bond categories toral returns into the black The strongest performers were high-yield or junk bond funds which returned 2.3% on average. More than 61 billion ot cash flowed into the funds from market timers helping to drive up pricxs in the illiquid jun! narket. Not behind the junk were international bond funds. returning 1.5% They reoeived poverful buost irom European interest-rate cuts Fur the past 12 months hoverer llenhan: ultravolatile target U.S. Government funds retained their top ranking: Allart up more than uuhsi der Telepl return Style 1993 or berte JOT (O08) TS GOVERNMENT ...